New reason to upgrade axles and out drives

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Arrma RC's
  1. Raider

While comparing my new CVD to the stock axles and dog bones, I noticed something strange about the axles and out drives. It would seem that the Arrma axles and out drives have a funnel shaped hole to them "Top Image" , where as most other RC company's use cylinder shaped holes "Bottom Image". This funnel shaped hole makes the axles and out drives in that spot much weaker, which explains why so many people are destroying there axles so quickly. I thought I would give people a heads up about this design flaw.


Just so people know, this funnel shaped hole is going to make finding CVD more difficult. The Arrma dog bones have larger balls on the ends in order to fit the funnel shaped holes better.
If somehow the a.e. diff and outdrives would fit would that make the rrst of that build sit better and work properly

Yes, and also the diff gear for the HPI Blitz/E-Firestorm 10T will also fit. If you go the HPI Diff rout, I would recommend getting it from for less the $40.
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1St thing i noticed was this flawed design when the pins on the dogbone seem to leave their perspective groove and actually go into and inside this groove, forcing the outdrive outward from the inside.

Basically destroying itself! Arrma needs a retake on a few things here.

The outdrive design
The Hingepin at rear & perhaps how these lower a-arms mount to the chassis. This also suffers from material needed in areas lacking. Knuckles and uprights and lets also mention the fron control arm assembly. I can only use 10th scale shocks on a claimed 8th scale buggy...this also applies to the rear shocks.

This covers just a few ontop my mind at 5:42am lol

1St thing i noticed was this flawed design when the pins on the dogbone seem to leave their perspective groove and actually go into and inside this groove, forcing the outdrive outward from the inside.

Basically destroying itself! Arrma needs a retake on a few things here.

The outdrive design
The Hingepin at rear & perhaps how these lower a-arms mount to the chassis. This also suffers from material needed in areas lacking. Knuckles and uprights and lets also mention the fron control arm assembly. I can only use 10th scale shocks on a claimed 8th scale buggy...this also applies to the rear shocks.

This covers just a few ontop my mind at 5:42am lol

Image i left shows how the pin goes inside the cup (outdrive). This forces the dogbone pin to push the outdrive apart. Lmao!
Ive been into rc for 25 some years and this is a sub hobby rc in many regards. Tires threw me off 1st when i unboxed it aswel as those sweeeet cheap shocks and springs from toys r us.

Image i left shows how the pin goes inside the cup (outdrive). This forces the dogbone pin to push the outdrive apart. Lmao!
Ive been into rc for 25 some years and this is a sub hobby rc in many regards. Tires threw me off 1st when i unboxed it aswel as those sweeeet cheap shocks and springs from toys r us.

And 1 last thing...
10th scale motor
10th scale trans and its internals
10th scale parts. Period.

8th scale XL???? Haha

Sorry...this is a question??

Can i just get away with using the HPI Blitz Flux outdrive as a direct replacement or do i need other things in a conversion of outdrives??

Also.. What cross-pin can i use so i can go with a 4-spyder setup?

Cuz as of now....i am out a Raider XL


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The HPI Blitz Flux outdrives have a hexagon shaped shaft and a e-clip to hold the bevel gear onto the shaft. You would need the HPI Blitz Flux diff gear assembly.
Yea... Just getting all HPI part#s involved for "just" the 52t diff and all its internals. Not including idler nor top gear. I seen somewhere whereas it drops in using your existing Arrma idler/top gears?

I also have a set of HPI dogbones which nearly match my Arrma length @ 6x86mm.

This will save me money and time if so.

Yea...just getting part#s right now. I will also get the 6x86mm dogbones which saves me money and time messing with a Cvd conversion. All i need now is a part# for a set of crosspins to goto a 4-spyder in this hpi case??

Check this out for the cross pins, it's the only exiting solution that I have found.


This is my list to get back on the road.
Mostly HPI which i trust as I've had many models of them. This will include a 6x86mm dogbone and also the 4-spyder setup...

86943 diffcase 52t
86872 diffcase gasket silicone
103400 x2 bevelgears (spyders)
104726 o-rings silicone
Z242 e-clips
Z892 washers/spacers
B030 bearings 10x15x4mm
86886 dogbone set 6x86mm
86871 outdrive cups
Z449 diff case screws

355080 crosspins/slotted

* I'll also heat treat the outdrives & use x5 spacers on the diffcase (each side) to center it in the t-case.

Thought id chime in and update this...

All my parts have been ordered but a few are still enroute to the hobby shop. Those should be here tomorrow then shipped to me.

Arrma finally got back to me via an email i sent days ago. I basically told them there was no point to use their failed and flawed unit and that i had already ordered new parts from the HPI Blitz Flux to remedy Arrmas screw up. The guy insisted on sending me replacement parts so i guess ill have a cool paperweight now. Lol
Thought id chime in and update this...

All my parts have been ordered but a few are still enroute to the hobby shop. Those should be here tomorrow then shipped to me.

Arrma finally got back to me via an email i sent days ago. I basically told them there was no point to use their failed and flawed unit and that i had already ordered new parts from the HPI Blitz Flux to remedy Arrmas screw up. The guy insisted on sending me replacement parts so i guess ill have a cool paperweight now. Lol
Looking forward to hearing how this works out for you.
Sorry, I was asking for photos of the HPI

Ahh... Parts are all ordered from a hobby shop outside my town. My LHS are retards so i gave up ordering from them i still have crap i ordered a month or two ago. Lol

As for the HPI diff... The remaining few parts the shop had to source out should be there by this tuesday. From there it gets sent to me so...hoping by Friday this week. Ill post whrn i get it all in my hands.
Ahh... Parts are all ordered from a hobby shop outside my town. My LHS are retards so i gave up ordering from them i still have crap i ordered a month or two ago. Lol

As for the HPI diff... The remaining few parts the shop had to source out should be there by this tuesday. From there it gets sent to me so...hoping by Friday this week. Ill post whrn i get it all in my hands.


Hay Swampie it didn't dawn on me until just now, what it was you were going to do. The HPI Blitz diff can not be upgraded the same way as the Arrma diffs can. There is not enough room to put the cross pins and extra gears in the diff case. As you can see in the picture there is no room for those extra parts. Also the Xray cross pins are for upgrading the Arrma diff. Sorry about not n

Ok...that changes a touch... Maybe ill see what i can do now that ill have multiple sets of arrma diff parts aswel as the new HPI diff parts (which my creditcard just got the charge...meaning all the HPI bits arrived and now can be shipped) hopefully by Friday this week i can see about exactly what i am able to achieve. wont be a grenade diff from Arrma. Lol

Does anyone know or have the specs for the Raider XL outdrive shafts?
Id need the spec for where the hole goes through for the drive-pin aswel?


Small update:
Still crossing my fingers my parts arrive tomorrow but i added a set of 1st Gen Arrma shafts to this just for experimental purposes. Somethin tells me this is another fail anyhow but... Lmao

As for these outdrives it seems the design is closest to Kyosho on how these are done? Other then the HPI Blitz Flux diffs but those are a 2-spyder setup. Hmmm

How frustrating this Raider XL has become!
Never again will i purchase another vehicle from Arrma. This is what happened many years ago when i tried into Traxxas poop. Lol

Just hate the design,the materials used & the namesake in the end.

Leaves a bad taste at the end of the day!
Because of this fail ive had to invest another 200.00 hoping it will resolve this???