Serpent Natrix 750e

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Big daddy (gotnitro talks about himself in the 3rd person and sometimes in the 4th person) is gunna make this 4040 fit baby!!

First pic, I shimmed out the motor mount a couple MM's


Second pic is belt clearance. You can see, it makes it buy the back of the can with 1/2 of a C-hair.


3rd pic, one of the motor wires HAS to go between the belt. Only way to make it fit.

image2 (1).webp

It's tight how I like it with a little bit of possible danger. Sign me up! 🤟
Love it!
Looks like you could mod the can and give yourself some more clearance:

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The problem is the end cap goes into the can more than it sticks out. I posted this up the other day and quoted ya, don't know if you've had the time. I wouldn't want to hack up the can if I didn't 100% have to and I was ready, BUT, I think this will actually work. Drove it in the house, took it apart to see if there was any rubbing, nada..

I got that 4030 in the mid 230's in about 2 min. Way too much KV and gear combined. She ripped but need a tad more power to handle the gear. I took it apart to see if I'll be able to get those wires through 1 hole OR Dremel away some material and get them through the top of the can on a 4040, no way Jose. Very tight and the end bell lip sinking into the can is the issue. I'd have to Dremel away material in a small precise manor that I'd need some type of CNC machine that I don't own.

I spaced the MM away a tad with some 1mm washers, looks like I'll be able to just squeak in a 4040 but it's going to be super close.

On a side note, the old mill appeared to be in great condition still, magnets felt strong AF and the rotor looked in brand new condition. No dark AMP heat spots on the Kevlar. The motor was probably still good BUT it's in the trash can now. I don't want any future possible problems so fug it.. :ROFLMAO: Thats RC'n!
The problem is the end cap goes into the can more than it sticks out. I posted this up the other day and quoted ya, don't know if you've had the time. I wouldn't want to hack up the can if I didn't 100% have to and I was ready, BUT, I think this will actually work. Drove it in the house, took it apart to see if there was any rubbing, nada..

I got that 4030 in the mid 230's in about 2 min. Way too much KV and gear combined. She ripped but need a tad more power to handle the gear. I took it apart to see if I'll be able to get those wires through 1 hole OR Dremel away some material and get them through the top of the can on a 4040, no way Jose. Very tight and the end bell lip sinking into the can is the issue. I'd have to Dremel away material in a small precise manor that I'd need some type of CNC machine that I don't own.

I spaced the MM away a tad with some 1mm washers, looks like I'll be able to just squeak in a 4040 but it's going to be super close.

On a side note, the old mill appeared to be in great condition still, magnets felt strong AF and the rotor looked in brand new condition. No dark AMP heat spots on the Kevlar. The motor was probably still good BUT it's in the trash can now. I don't want any future possible problems so fug it.. :ROFLMAO: Thats RC'n!

Yeah cutting into the can is not ideal for sure. It looks like all will be fine. There is very little belt movement close to the pulley.
Maybe in a worse-case scenario, you can 3d print something to hold the wires back.
Dude, your going to need to convert to a chain drive if you start throwing volts at that thing! I can’t believe you squeezed that can in there. How much does your rig even weigh? You’re a madman!
5.123 lbs with 2 6000 mah 3,s. Maybe a tad more now with this 4040. 😁

I just looked again at the photo of your chassis from above. With batteries going as far forward as possible your weight distribution will probably be as close to ideal as imaginable. You’ll be able to corner balance this thing to a crazy degree, I believe. What a cool rig, man. Nice build!
5.123 lbs with 2 6000 mah 3,s. Maybe a tad more now with this 4040. 😁
That’s freaking insane, dude. If you can keep it planted firmly to the road you’re going to need satellites to track it.
I just looked again at the photo of your chassis from above. With batteries going as far forward as possible your weight distribution will probably be as close to ideal as imaginable. You’ll be able to corner balance this thing to a crazy degree, I believe. What a cool rig, man. Nice build!

That’s freaking insane, dude. If you can keep it planted firmly to the road you’re going to need satellites to track it.
The batts fill the trays with 1mm to spare. I got lucky ordering those packs. I do have a couple small, high C 4s drone packs I’ll be playing with. Can’t wait to see how those drag foams bite on warm/hot asphalt! 🤓

Took it down the street on a single 3s pack with the new CM4040, max top speed is 73 on 3s. Thing was lobsided as hell too with that single pack:LOL:. I might be able to get another 3 teeth in there by modding the mount some more and I can drop the spur 2 teeth but for now, can't get any more gear in there so it looks like I'll need to just add more voltage. Only 5s more to go.. :cool:
The body is friggin great! Whole thing is awesome, great job!
So one last tweak.

Front camber 0
Front toe +1
Rear camber 0
Rear toe +2

Final weight on 8s total 1500MAH in series. Should be enough for a 132-foot pass;)

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That's crazy!
My car weighs like 14 lbs or something lol