Usps shipping

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I bought a senton online
Its showing that he send it
Usps tracking is not updating
And it supposed to have been delivered the 5th
Bu no packaged yet
Should i call usps
I bought a senton online
Its showing that he send it
Usps tracking is not updating
And it supposed to have been delivered the 5th
Bu no packaged yet
Should i call usps
I would call! If it's saying delivered, (Worst Case) someone may have received a new toy. Call the Post Office where it was scanned last and tell them you never got it!!!
Its says it still in california lol
And it supposed to be delivered 5th?

I must have read your post wrong. I thought you were saying it "was" delivered on the 5th but you didn't receive it.
I would still call them, but that's just me.
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I've called them before on a shipment.
Give them some sugar, be extra nice, and you'll get it returned.
I got a call from the Postal carrier when he was on his way to my house.
I recieved an email from the usps
Saying they will work with me utill its resolved
I recieved an email from the usps
Saying they will work with me utill its resolved

Hope they find it. I'm so sorry dude. It was packaged up nice and tight and the label was properly secured. There's no way the label came off. I can't imagine what happened. Let me know any updates, but I also check the tracking several times a day on my phone. About a month ago, UPS lost 1 of my 4 full size car wheels/tires that I shipped a guy, and they found it on the last official day they were allowed to find it before paying out. So hang in there!
There is definitely something wrong. Unless the trip to Hawaii was made on a paddle boat. Either the truck got lost in CA, or it somehow hasn't been checked in at the Hawaii office. Either way, something is wrong. It should have been delivered a week ago. So sorry dude.
I just called usps
Its being shipped on a barge
it'll take 2 to 5 weeks to get here
This is insanely ridculous
I have to wait that long5 weeks?for a box now?
Barge?!! That's ridiculous. If they had said the shipping would have taken that long I would have paid more. They had both ground and priority as the same delivery date. That sucks.
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