I’m going to let the universe decide.

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Dan B.

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So I mentioned that I quit smoking around a month ago, but holy living crap, the draw is still strong. And I’ll admit, although many of you regard me as some sort of god around here (😂😂😂) I’m only human. I want a cigarette so badly! I know if I buy a pack all bets will be off and I’d no longer be a nonsmoker. I’m thinking I should just have one. But I don’t have any, and none of my friends (you higher-than-thou, superlative self avowed chosen progressive bastards) smoke. So what I’m thinking is that I should be embracing a sentiment that I’ve groused about lately in My Daily Rant regarding all of the panhandlers with cardboard signs asking for donations on every available street corner in my broader geographic area.
I’m going to go out and try to bum a cigarette off a bum.
I’m going to roll up in my freshly washed Mercedes to the skankiest bums I can find, male or female, and slide down the window. When they approach expecting a handout I’m gonna say, “yo, can you spare a smoke?”
Hell yeah. I’m really proud of myself for coming up with this, and it’s easy to see why I’m a Legend in My Own Eyes.
Film at 11:00.
As a tobacco chewer for 20 years playing baseball, the craving never goes away. Been free for almost 4 now. I’ll have an occasional smoke with a few cocktails on holiday 😉
I love you, man. You impart hope.
So I mentioned that I quit smoking around a month ago, but holy living crap, the draw is still strong. And I’ll admit, although many of you regard me as some sort of god around here (😂😂😂) I’m only human. I want a cigarette so badly! I know if I buy a pack all bets will be off and I’d no longer be a nonsmoker. I’m thinking I should just have one. But I don’t have any, and none of my friends (you higher-than-thou, superlative self avowed chosen progressive bastards) smoke. So what I’m thinking is that I should be embracing a sentiment that I’ve groused about lately in My Daily Rant regarding all of the panhandlers with cardboard signs asking for donations on every available street corner in my broader geographic area.
I’m going to go out and try to bum a cigarette off a bum.
I’m going to roll up in my freshly washed Mercedes to the skankiest bums I can find, male or female, and slide down the window. When they approach expecting a handout I’m gonna say, “yo, can you spare a smoke?”
Hell yeah. I’m really proud of myself for coming up with this, and it’s easy to see why I’m a Legend in My Own Eyes.
Film at 11:00.

You don't need it.

But, getting beat up by a bum can be exhilarating..
I love you, man. You impart hope.
I will definitely say the instant energy was down, had vivid dreams of dips, and was a mental rollercoaster for months. After a few months I never felt better, faster, and stronger like 10 years instantly went away physically. That’s my sales pitch, unfortunately there are more smokers around most people so that will be a difficult smell/sense/visual trigger.

We’re here if you need us 👍🏼
It would be harder to quit if your friends smoked. Always one trying to pull you back in...
I will definitely say the instant energy was down, had vivid dreams of dips, and was a mental rollercoaster for months. After a few months I never felt better, faster, and stronger like 10 years instantly went away physically. That’s my sales pitch, unfortunately there are more smokers around most people so that will be a difficult smell/sense/visual trigger.
Jesus, you suck. Fine. I’ll wait months? What if I beat my wife and kick my dog?
We’re here if you need us 👍🏼
Ok, got a cigarette? Thats what I thought…
I smoked for many years. Chewed. Vaped. I would probably inject nicotine if I could get away with it. What a wonderful drug.

My 2 cents. Not a Dr. Not medical advice. DO NOT LISTEN TO ME.

That being said Nicotine is molecularly very similar to Caffeine another commonly used drug. That being said it is a drug. But in my opinion one that's not that bad. Nicotine also is one of the most powerful Nootropics on the planet... So its not all bad. I switched to the zyn pouches. Pure nicotine and food flavoring and that's it. And it has been a life changer for me. Quit if you feel you need to. Listen to your body and your DR and do what they say. But for me nicotine by itself is way too demonized and the real issue is with the delivery methods. As technology improves so does the safety for consumption.

This isn't coming from no where by the way. I have been a very high level position in the health and wellness industry for over 15 years. I understand how the body and substances you put in it work very well. AGAIIN that being said this is just my opinion from my research and you should do whatever is best for you.

No matter what tho. Inhaling smoke is terrible for you. And it will absolutely rob you of years with the people you love and you should not do it.

Also nothing is better than just not taking anything that disrupts your CNS so if its time for you to stop. Then its time for you to stop.
Don't do it.... I just had one for ya!!!!...
Whatever, I ain’t feeling sh’t…
And don't get beat up by a bum...Mike
I won’t, I stay strapped. If I leave their bullet riddled body in a grocery store parking lot I’ll be driving away with their backpack containing an entire carton of Marlboros, a bag of weed, a vial with several rocks and a pipe to go with it, and more money than I make in any given day,
And dammit, all I wanted was a cigarette…
RESIST!! You will be better off, don't let your subconscious f**k with ya.
If you decide to go trollin for a smoke, be sure and ask if they have an extra smoke! That was always my favorite line.. I'd be like uh, no, this pack didn't come with any extra smokes..so..nope!! Would always be the same coworkers that would mooch too.🤨🤷‍♂️
I switched to the zyn pouches.
Please elaborate?
But for me nicotine by itself is way too demonized and the real issue is with the delivery methods.
That is true gospel. Sucking smoke into your lungs is bad. Putting raw tobacco between your lips and gums is bad. Maybe even worse, because by the time that kills you you’re all disfigured and haven’t kissed anyone in years…. At least with lung cancer you’ll lose a few pounds before croaking and give your pallbearers a little easier time and the loved ones at your wake can stare at a somewhat better looking corpse…
Good god, I’m pretty sure I do!

Is that from personal experience? Should I stick to female bums? Should I pay extra for that?

Actually I got stalked by a bum when I didn't give him a quarter...
He followed me for a couple of blocks..
Please elaborate?

That is true gospel. Sucking smoke into your lungs is bad. Putting raw tobacco between your lips and gums is bad. Maybe even worse, because by the time that kills you you’re all disfigured and haven’t kissed anyone in years…. At least with lung cancer you’ll lose a few pounds before croaking and give your pallbearers a little easier time and the loved ones at your wake can stare at a somewhat better looking corpse…
Its literally that. You can buy them online or in some gas stations. Google ZYN pouches. They are spitless. Go in your upper lip. It has Nicotine, Salt, Food flavoring.... that's it. Its basically nicotine gum but you don't chew it and it doesn't taste like poop. But I want to say again, If you feel you need to stop nicotine you should fight it and stop.. I am just a fan of looking at things from a place of logic and analyzing risk vs reward. Me personally. I consume 0 caffeine and I use nicotine in its place. That's just how i choose to live my life.
Actually I got stalked by a bum when I didn't give him a quarter...
He followed me for a couple of blocks..
I’m hoping you ducked into an alley and popped a cap in his homeless a$$ when he followed you in.
It’s literally that. You can buy them online or in some gas stations. Google ZYN pouches. They are spitless. Go in your upper lip. It has Nicotine, Salt, Food flavoring.... that's it. Its basically nicotine gum but you don't chew it and it doesn't taste like poop
I was definitely going to check that out as really good advice, then I noticed you were from North Texas. I fled that area years ago. Why should I trust you? Your name isn’t Donna, is it?

Seriously though, we’re getting way off track… I’m gonna go try to bum a smoke off a panhandler.
They also sell snuff if you want to snort things in the Mercedes.
Nicotine only stays in your blood for about 2-3 hours after a cig or a chew or the paper bra nic pouches I suck on, 24 or so goes by you have ZERO.

It's all in yer head.
That's not how chemical dependency works.... That's then equivalent of telling a sad person to just be happy. The fact that it has such a short half life is why its so addicting. And the changes it makes to your brain chemistry and hormones don't just go away when the drug leaves your bloodstream. While you can mentally over come the withdrawal symptoms, they absolutely persist +2 weeks in the average nicotine addict post cessation.